“The Carcamos” live in Isla Costa since their parents came to colonize more than 50 years ago. They are 5 siblings that with their families live in their “ranchos” all year long. Kids learn working with crab traps, diving and collecting shellfish. In the island rhythms are set by the weather, the sea and the products they obtain from it. There is no Monday, Thursday or Saturday…there are moments to throw traps, to pick them up, and to dive.
Móise wakes up early every morning, drinks sweet mate, puts his rubber boots on and leaves to the sea to pick up the traps he left the day before…”hopefully big crabs went in!”. After collecting crabs and throwing the 24 traps again back to sea, Móise goes back home to have lunch, cut firewood, fix traps and “kill the afternoon”. His daughter “Chabe” goes with him, but only because she is 15… when she turns 18, she will choose her own path…
Verónica Cárcamo is an example of woman power. She lives in her “rancho” at Isla Costa where she was born, fishes and collects shellfish and takes care of his young grandson. Vero goes out to sea everyday to collect crabs from tramps she left days before and she manages perfectly with the hard work. When her daughter was a baby, Vero wrapped her on plastic and snuggled her inside the bow of the boat to be able to go work under the hostile weather of Patagonia.
José Cárcamo… “Chalupa”, lives in his “rancho” at Isla Costa. He works diving for crabs, sea urchins and mussels, which he collects to share with his siblings and nephews and to sell to earn money to “socialize and entertain” in town. He has countless stories in the island and in town, as a diver and fisherman, with which he entertains his nephews for hours, which visit him to hear his adventures.
Carlos had 8 years old when he started fishing. His mother Lula, took him and his siblings to fish around all the Chonos Archipelago. Carlos works the congrio, merluza, crab, dry mussels and smoked salmon, staying days or weeks at sea. His “rancho” is at a small island in the middle of Canal Moraleda, where he stays the night and saves the fish under big nalca leafs. When he collects enough fish, he goes and sells it in town.
Blanca and Juan are companions…they accompany in all labors of life. They live together, have a daughter, Cata and work together at sea fishing, collecting shellfish, diving and working with tramps. To work at sea they need each other, cause when Juan dives, is Blanca who knows how to manage the boat perfectly. Constantly they leave for days to sea with their daughter. Blanca and Juan are always smiling…