During the rodeo, cattle that have been loose for months for hundreds of acres have to be gathered to bring to the “veranada” (so they can eat during the summer), or “invernada” (winter). Gathering of the animals take days, cause they are all spread around.
This traditional party is done once a year, when neighbours are invited to help with the work. Animals are branded with fire and with the symbol of the family owner of the animal. Signaling consists on doing a special identification cut on the animal’s ear. All the gauchos show their abilities with the lazo and everybody shares all the traditions to maintain the culture and local identity.
The “arreo” consists in herding the cattle into the mountains to the “veranada” (during the summer), so cattle eat new grass, or the “invernada” (during winter), when cattle are lowered from the mountains to be able to take care and feed them. The arreo takes days as cattle are slow and the trip gets difficult for calfs.